Golden Media S-Box 9055 HD PVR FTA mit LAN.

  • He has no clones unfortunately.

    But it is supposed, that has Chip Ali M3329C

    I have unlocked several units, with the program, Epron Upgrade 2.0.0.c

    I leave the file I created, and therefore,if it takes Chip Ali , hopes

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  • My antivirus finds a virus in your link??

    That's because it contains an exe, which is the program Epron.

    I assure you that no virus contine, if something happens I can go to Russia to change my pc lol.

    This is the picture of my manual for unlocked, Is tested by me and my forum users

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    Пожалуйста зарегистрируйся для просмотра данного изображения.
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  • The question is, I'm not sure that this chip Ali is ok, as it is HD, But unlocking the Eprom program works both in the model, S-box9055 as in the model GM9080HD

    These are the characteristics and models of ALI

    Исходный код
    Chip ALi-3329C_SPI(2Mb)_HDMI
     32003-01001 = Smart MX04L+ [HDMI]
     32003-01009 = Micro electronic M52 (Digital M52) [HDMI]  
     32003-01022 = VisionNet HDMI-FTA [HDMI]
     32003-01038 = Preisner Q100 [HDMI]
     32003-01039 = Megasat 4100 HDMI [HDMI]

    And This is the chip of this Model 9055HD

    Исходный код
    HW:35003 -> HS11--------> ALi-M3602 HD ?
     HW:35004 -> HS11--------> ALi-M3602 HD

    Сообщение было отредактировано 1 раз, последнее редактирование пользователем fundidun ().

  • What do you want to achieve from eoy cheaper model? All of your experiments and comparisons have no prospects. Do not reinvent the wheel.

    This model works well, and people with low economic level is good. 8o

    If I can understand how it works, could give support to Spain.

    Thanks for your interest

  • For people with low economic level, there are other more or less advanced models of receivers and software to normal ..

    But these units have sold many in Spain, and I have many users in my forum, hoping if we can to support it, as we do with the GM models.

    But I have difficult by what I see Alex5114, I hope that some light or search index

  • just look here on it and think about what it is for clones

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    Last GM_9055_01_06 firmware, then Google

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    Man muß das Unmögliche versuchen, um das Mögliche zu erreichen. Hermann Hesse

    Сообщение было отредактировано 1 раз, последнее редактирование пользователем Alex5114 ().

  • Thanks for your reply, the latest firmware has a problem that will not connect the server when the receiver off and on

    I have searched this maincode, but I have not seen anything for him, if you know where to find something, I would be grateful.

    Could you confirm that the ALI chip using this receiver is the M3602

    A pleasure talking to you

    Сообщение было отредактировано 3 раз, последнее редактирование пользователем fundidun ().

  • Thank you very much, I have several receivers where I can work :thumbup:

    A pleasure talking to you

    Ariva 200_100_100E

  • всем доброго время суток,помогите чайнику.Недавно купил ресирвер Golden Media S-BOX 9055 HD PVR.Все нормально работал , но детки полазили ,короче пелетели все программы.Помогите как и где через USB закинуть все .