Реанимация обезьяны

  • Ну вообщем я решил её немного оживить. Почему? Так получилось ;)
    Из изменений только одно:
    S*f*C*m 0.4.0
    Так что забирайте. monkey-0.6.1-diff.tar.gz

    Есть одно но. У кого стоит Ротор эта обезьяна не годится. Потому как не понимает GotoXY.
    Желаю всем приятного просмотра

  • Забрал, поставил, спасибо.
    Есть вопрос, я тут упустил из виду, в какую сторону развитие Sc двинулось? Какие новшества, я не очень заметил. Разьве что касаемо работы с сервером.

  • 26.10.2004: Version 0.4.0
    - Versions bump, now in stable branch.
    - Added Viaccess smartcard code, SC_VIACCESS=1 to activate. ECM only for now.
    - Added ragnos Sc-Seca-PPV patch.
    - Added zens FullX-2 patch.
    - Added permtable for Seca provider 0x65.
    - Added cardclient config option to trigger immediate connect to cardserver on
    - Extended smartcard code to support indirect convention, zero-byte writes and
    256-byte reads.
    - Fixed Nagra plaintext AU.
    - Fixed camd33 reconnecting and discard keep-alive packets.
    - Removed unnecessary bind() in udp networking (allows camd35 server on same
    - Fixed disconnect timeout not working if no dial script is given.
    - Updated finnish translations.
    26.09.2004: Version 0.3.17
    - Joined "dukat" & "freezer" cardclients to new "camd33" client.
    - Added cardclient "camd35", supporting camd 3.5 udp protocol.
    - Added caid & mask to cardclient config. Added carddata (hexbase, hexser) to
    Aroureos cardclient config. See example cardclient.conf.
    - Fixed Viaccess logger (wrong section filter mask).
    - Fixed dialup networking not hanging up in case of connect error.

    14.09.2004: Version 0.3.16
    - Now supporting all Nagra keysets (pk0-2,typ0-1). Keyformat has changed. See
    example keyfile.
    - Fixed some long standing bugs in Nagra ECM handling. Verify keys (V) are
    mandatory now, 80 keynumber is obsolete. Note: you need both keysets for a
    provider, e.g. for Polsat 7001 & 7101.
    - Added support for Seca provider 0x65 (appropriate hash/mt files needed).
    - Added finnish translations.
    - Fixed key length mismatch on EMM update for 8/16 byte keys.
    - Fixed sc-cryptoworks ATR parsing for cards with bios3mod.
    - Fixed stupid typo bug in sc-Irdeto which prevented EMM updates at all
    (introduced in .13), fixed potentional buffer overflows.
    - Fixed Seca to really loop through all available keys (with same key nr).
    - Several compatibility fixes for 64-bit systems.

    07.08.2004: Version 0.3.15
    - Unified Seca, Viaccess & Nagra DES implementation.
    - Added CAID parsing to dukat cardclient.
    - Added support for 16-byte Seca keys.
    - Added Seca2 0064 51 nano processing.
    - Attempt to fix cardclient EMM update problem (appearently AES related).
    - Fixed Nagra CPU emu (random generator).

    23.07.2004: Version 0.3.14
    - Fixed Seca2 nano processing (Thanks to Sandali for new permutation values).
    - Fixed missing CAT parsing in Viaccess logger.
    - Fixed logger debug output (cardNum vs. CardNum()).
    - Fixed error-case memory leak in Nagra file mapper.